


Ines v. Ketelhodt
»Der Kuss im Traume«

Sonnet by Karoline v. Günderode (1805) together with twenty-four photographs of kissing scenes from Hollywood’s dream factory taken from the television screen. The photographs are printed in letterpress in twenty-four different red, orange and purple shades (“lipstickcolours”) and fill the entire format. Stitching the sheets in layers created double spreads composed of two different motifs, i.e. new combinations of couples and colours. The strict sonnet form is broken up typographically, the text dissolved into words and sentence fragments and spreaded throughout the pages in the book.
(24 photographs / printed from polymer clichés / handset and letterpress / linen-over-board flexible cover / enclosed in paper-covered slipcase / bookprinting paper / 44 pages / 19.2 x 29.2 cm / 50 copies / Oberursel 1993)









From 1986 till 2001 Ines v. Ketelhodt was a member of Unica T. Since 1997 she works together with Peter Malutzki on the project ”Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön”. The inspiration for this work comes from a tale by Jorge Luis Borges. Within ten years 50 volumes will be published.






Vita :

Born in 1961 in Frankfurt am Main
1981 – 1988 Studied at Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach with majors in photography, typography and book design.
Since 1989 various awards including one for young book designers from the Stiftung Buchkunst, Frankfurt/Main.
1998 Exhibition »Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön« in the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt/Main.
2000 Walter-Tiemann-Prize (for »Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön«) from the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig.
2001 Exhibition »Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön« in the Malerbuchkabinett of the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.



Ines v. Ketelhodt:
»Don Juan«

The silhouette of a kissing scene printed in red forms the background for Karoline v. Günderode’s ballad (1780 to 1806) superimposed in black print. From close up, the 12 point type is readable on an abstract red colour field. When the concertina is unfurled and viewed from a distance, the figures appear nearly life-size. The effect is an interplay between closeness and distance.
(photograph / printed in offset / handset and letterpress / concertina printed on one side / linen-over-board cover / bookprinting paper / 10 pages / 16 x 48 cm / 50 copies / Offenbach am Main 1990)










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