







21 linocuts
44 pages
18 x 32 cm
40 signed copies
Oberursel/Ts 1991





Anja Harms – ideen zwischen buchdeckeln





Vita : Anja Harms  


geboren 1960 in Bad Homburg. 1980 – 1988 Studium an der Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach
Abschluß als Diplom-Designerin
1979 – 1993 Arbeit bei Christian Peschke (Malerei, Keramik und Skulptur)
1986 – 2002 Mitglied der Künstlerinnengruppe Unica T
1988 Gründung von anakonda ateliers (Grafik Design)
seit 1988 freischaffende Buchkünstlerin und Grafik-Designerin

Born in Bad Homburg v.d.H. in 1960.
1980 – 1988 Studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung
in Offenbach am Main with majors in book design and drawing.
Diplom as designer with a book design.
Before, during and after studies
(1979 – 1993), work with the painter and sculpturer
Christian Peschke in painting, ceramics, later focus on sculpture.
1986 – 2002 member of Unica T.
1988 co-founder of anakonda ateliers.
1988 began work as free-lance designer and book-artist.









Hans Arp, Mondsand

Two-colour linocuts, handset, letterpress, concertina, cover printed, with linocuts, bookprinting paper
24 x 24 cm. Edition of 40 copies; 1994.





Paul Celan
Durchbrüche / Durchblicke


Colour wood- and linocuts, handset, letterpress, hand bound with linen spine, bookprinting paper. 14 x 26 cm. Edition of 40 copies.








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