





Karin Innerling

"The intention is to use my books (book objects) as a medium which creates a synthesis of text, image and overall form comparable to a theatre production in which text, actors, choreography, sets and costumes contribute towards a common theme. It is important for me that in this way the reader/observer is encouraged to freely interact with the book (object)."






Vita :

Born 1942 in Beuthen (OS) // Studied architecture under Gottfried Böhm, and fine arts under Hubert Berke and Carl Schneiders // 1969 qualified as an architect (Dipl. Ing.) // Practiced in a number of architectural partnerships // 1982Ð84 studied etching and lithography // 1984 first book project // 1986 researchwork in Scandinavia collecting material for subsequent projects // Since 1986 member of Leporello Press Aachen with Elmar Heimbach // Since 1990 sole proprietor // 1991 attended ”Summer Academy Salzburg” under Gerhard Rühm // Since 1996 lecturer at the ”Akademie für das Bildende Handwerk”, Aachen.











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