Sound-Clips & Videos
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Homage To Humpty Dumpty -
Can We Make Words Say What We Want Them To Say?

The Teagle Fund Working Group, “What is a Reader?” sponsored a day of events at the University of California, Santa Cruz on January 26th, 2012

Video. IHR on Vimeo [37:02 / Language: English]


The Pleasure of Reading [Lecture held at iRead, Saudi-Arabia, Dec. 2013]

القراءة بهجة القراءةألبرتو

iThra Culture   [45:57 / Language: English]


Zwei Liebhaber des Schattens

Der Schriftsteller Alberto Manguel war als Jugendlicher Vorleser vom erblindenden Jorge Luis Borges. In dessen Werk lernte Manguel das Dunkel der Existenz kennen. Abgründig und unheimlich ist denn auch seine Neuerscheinung «Zwei Liebhaber des Schattens»...

SRF Player   [55:22 / Language: German]


Ultima Thule

Poem: There Are No Koalas In Norway

MFA Norway  [02:17 / Language: English]


Lecture based on the book Reading Pictures

tvochannel   [45:39 / Language: English]


Borges and the Impossibility of Writing

2010 Finzi-Contini Lectures at Yale Universitys Whitney Humanities Center.

YaleUniversity   [01:05:11 / Language: English]


Palazzo Ducale, Genova

L’altra metà del libro - il festival di quelli che leggono – dedica tre giorni a “la lettura e il sogno” per parlare di libri, di autori e di lettori.”Il libro ha bisogno del lettore per venire alla luce.
Con David Albahari,…

[43:44 / Language: Italian]


Borges lector

Alberto Manguel fue lector de Borges debido a la ceguera del autor argentino. Pero durante ese tiempo también descubrió el lector que había en Borges y el lector que Borges quería encontrar en todas las personas...

casamerica  [16:43 / Language: Spanish]


Conversation with Jeffery Brown

One of the most delightful books I read this past year was "The Library at Night," a series of essays on the "idea" of the library through time and place, from ancient Alexandria to the Web, with stops along the way at the personal library of some 30,000 books that author Alberto Manguel has built for himself... His new volume is titled, "A Reader on Reading."

Pbs NewsHour  [08:15 / Language: English]


The Screen of Hal (2007 Massey Lectures)

tvochannel  [52:34 / Language: English]